So picture this. You’re in fourth grade, about to go on a trip of a lifetime. Your aunt is heading to Italy to see family, and somehow, you snagged an invite. ALONE. No sisters, no parents. Oh baby, this is your time.
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Hello, fellow time travelers,

Today is a day to contemplate my favorite subject: time. Particularly, a time vortex where the same thing happens over and over again.

So picture this. You’re in fourth grade, about to go on a trip of a lifetime. Your aunt is heading to Italy to see family, and somehow, you snagged an invite. ALONE. No sisters, no parents. Oh baby, this is your time.

I’m dressed and ready to go on the flight, with money sewn into my pockets. See ya sisters!

Except, one little issue. Because you’re eight, you are concerned about the weirdest things. Like, what are you going to do on such a long flight. Never mind that you’re the size of a toothpick and so sitting in an adult chair is basically first class with your own television screen.  No, you’re a child, and so you literally say out loud, while rolling your eyes, uggggggghhhh. 

And then, you get on the flight, and the movie choice is…some dude named Bill Murray in a film about Puxatawny Phil, which seems really boring because you don’t understand nuance or deeper meanings. You watch it anyway, because you have no choice, and well, you are SO ANNOYED at whomever wrote this movie about the same day over and over again. And who’s the meanie who decided this was a good movie for a boring flight. Jeez. Nothing happens. You’re already bored, so this movie is torture on torture.

As a result of this enlightening experience, you despise the film Groundhog Day until many years later, when you happen to be forced to watch it again. Finally, with a little embarrassment, you  realize that there was a meaning behind the film, and that it was making a commentary on the banality of life. Oops. You may have been precocious, but you were still eight years old.

Now, the film’s actual meaning has stuck with you. So much so that every February 2, you remember Bill Murray, and vow never to take a day for granted again. Even if it’s cold and rainy, or grey, or the same as yesterday. You have a choice, and the alternative - being a grumpy Bill Murray hitting the snooze button - is not attractive in the least.

So thanks, Phil. Whether we see your shadow or not, we love February 2. 💕 

Love always,



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