Nothing good happens after 10 p.m. in a sleepy town.
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Picture this. It's a quiet, sleepy, Saturday night in Carmel-by-the-Sea.  Off in the distance, you hear the faint muffled sound of music...bass music.  So subtle, but always recognizable.  You wonder, where could this mysterious music come from, because, in this sleepy little town, the bars close at 9, and it is 9:23, and you just closed out your favorite restaurant in town.  You thought you were the last person for miles.   

You follow the music, through the empty stone streets and fancy stores, and somehow, you find yourself in an establishment trying its best to pass for a "club." The sign reads, Barmel, and all you can see are tourists in golf shirts and wedding attire.  Except for one little group of people who don't seem like they belong.  They don't look like they were planning to go clubbing, based on their daytime casual attire.  Yet, they're dancing, just a bit more intensely than the other guests.  They certainly are enjoying themselves.  You wonder to yourself, should you sit idly by, drinking your spicy margarita, or perhaps, would you want to join in on the fun?

She would suggest that you dance.  (I loved my records and definitely was not allowed to watch Fraggle Rock.) 

You ask yourself if you're up for such a spectacle.  You decide that you've passed the age of decidedly not giving one eff about what people think.  And then, like magic, you recognize the people dancing, which gives you carte blanche to go have the best time, rendering most inhibitions useless. You walk over, dance, and laugh, at how ridiculous you all are, having your wholesome, 6th-grade dance fun, at a place called Barmel.

Ok ok, I admit it, this may be a slightly exaggerated version of my Saturday night story:

- instead of following the bass music through the deserted streets, I was following Google maps at 9:23 PM;

- instead of being alone, I was with good friends;

- instead of knowing I wanted to dance right away, I only started dancing after one of my friends did (and started dancing with anyone and everyone who walked in the room, whether they liked it or not); however

- I did not, in any way, expect to have that much fun on a Saturday night in Carmel.

This letter today is my homage to unexpected joy.  Regardless of whatever happens, no matter what, we can dance, or make a fool of ourselves, or create, or do nothing, all in the name of having a good time and no longer giving two pikachus what anyone else thinks.  

And, I know you're wondering, do I have photos of Saturday night? Yes, yes, I do.  You're going to have to email me if you're interested.  They're quite entertaining, darling!



P.S. THANK YOU AS ALWAYS for streaming all my music, especially More than This and Battle.  My monthly listener count is rising, steadily, and that feels pretty huge.  My dream is to bring music and love and honesty to the world, and you are helping to make that happen.  And Adonis just made the AMAZING LYRIC VIDEO BELOW.  Send some prayers to the algo for me?  Grazie!


XIMXIA - More than this (Official Lyric Video)
Watch 'More than this' Lyric Video
Listen to 'More than This'
Listen to 'Goodbye'

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