So nice to spend time with you on this fine Friday morning. There’s something about you, and this email, that makes me sit down and contemplate life. Like, why are we here?
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Hello, dear gorgeous reader -

So nice to spend time with you on this fine Friday morning. There’s something about you, and this email, that makes me sit down and contemplate life. Like, why are we here? How can we be talking to each other through this space-time continuum? Do creations always count as contributions to the world? How do these words right here, or the songs that I’m releasing, create value for people? Am I entertaining, making people feel good every now and then? Am I making people think about something in a new way? Is it even possible? Does this question even matter?

This is the ideal form of introspection, in my opinion.

I write this letter to you every week because I love the connection it gives me. I feel like you get a little peek into a very weird corner of my brain, and for me, that brings us closer together. I get your responses and I get that hit of dopamine every time, which tells me that you got the little hit of connection, too.Β 

One of my favorite comedians recently posted about how the people who are good at acting are just the best at playing house. And those auditioning are just wanting someone to pick them to play house. 😂

I certainly resemble that comment. I don’t know why I am so driven create, and whether ultimately any of it means anything at all. But I know that I won’t stop until this feeling of creating something, and sharing it, goes away. I’m basically that six year old kid, giving you my art project of scribbles and being super proud. And you know what? I’m lucky to be her. 💜

Love always,Β 


PS - two new songs today!!! Take a listen to Rescue me (acoustic), Rescue me (pop), and Freak (Electroswing)! Let me know what you think!!Β 


Stream 'Rescue Me'
Stream 'Freak'

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