Have you also been feeling like Ferris Bueller lately? Not because he’s absent (Bueller? Bueller?), which I have definitely been on my text messages (sorry!). But rather because you’re noticing just how fast life is moving.
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Have you also been feeling like Ferris Bueller lately?  Not because he’s absent (Bueller?  Bueller?), which I have definitely been on my text messages (sorry!).  But rather because you’re noticing just how fast life is moving.  

As soon as I say such a bold statement - life is moving fast - I immediately think of all the ways that’s not true.  The election season?  That’s dragging on way too long.  June gloom in California, where the grey clouds linger?  It seems to start earlier and earlier every year.  That car alarm that started a few minutes ago?  Let’s speed that up, please.

Have you seen the new controversial iPad ad?  Maybe us artists are just a little sensitive, but I’m not ready to see all of my favorite tools literally crushed by the weight of a machine and then replaced with a tiny screen.  The piano killing was reminiscent of Adele’s flaming piano, which just made me sad, and honestly made me question whether she’s truly a music lover (sorry, that’s just my trauma talking).  

Supposedly, the purpose of this Apple ad is to show all the progress we are making! We can take all of these analog tools, and substitute them with one digital, tiny computer.  Yyyyeeeaaahh?!?  

Look, I am definitely not one to stand in the way of progress. These technological tools are huge enhancements to our lives, and they certainly will replace more dated methods, in many wonderful ways.  However … let’s repeat that for emphasis … How-ev-er, the idea of all of these beautiful analog tools becoming useless is dystopian and scary and dark and bleak and honestly, moving just a little too fast for me.  Maybe a little less espresso for Tim Cook, please?

But, this little letter to you would not be here, dear reader, if we didn’t take a swing at some introspection.  Let’s dig a little deeper, and try to see what I don’t see.  Because god knows, there’s a bunch that I miss. 

If you accept this premise as true, which I do:  how I do one thing is how I do everything, then we have a place to go.  We can find the mate for the thought that technology is advancing too quickly.  Where else am I thinking that life is moving a little too fast? Where is progress and change giving me anxiety?  Here’s an easy one:

The family is place #1 where I want everyone to stay the same (or at least stick around).  Most likely, Rosa (my mom) got up to make espresso and then took this photo. She will confirm when she reads this.  She magically got everyone to smile for the camera except Grandma and cousin Philly, which is pretty consistent for them (not everything changes!).  Grandma loved being the center of attention, but for some reason thought that smiling in photos was inappropriate.  I never understood it, but I always found that pretty funny.  This mother’s day weekend, we all are missing beautiful Aunt Dora (she’s in the middle on the couch holding Kristen) and Grandma. 

I know I know.  Change is inevitable.  Life moves pretty fast.  Thanks Ferris.   All we can do is take a moment to look around and appreciate this beautiful life. 

As for technology, I’m not yet convinced that we can live in the world of 1s and 0s and large language models and nothing else.  Computers can do magical things, but I still use real horns and real guitars in my songs.  I need a real tree, as you know.  I’m not ready to throw away some of my analog life.  And I’m ok with that.  Sorry Apple, you can’t do everything, yet.  

Who are you holding onto this weekend?

Love always,



XIMXIA - More than this (Official Lyric Video)
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